Perspectives on music and other subjects from math through sports to philosophy.
31 August, 2020
Deccan Chronicle: Carnatic Music and Communal Harmony
Background: A few years ago, attempts were made in some quarters to sully the reputation of the legendary singer and philanthropist Dr M S Subbulakshmi, whom millions hold in the highest esteem. This rebuttal of mine in early Dec 2017 in Deccan Chronicle appeared the very next day of another such posthumous attack on her in the same publication.
In 2015-17, I was the only artist who stood up to pen such articles in the mainstream media or speak strongly in public to against attempts to disrupt Indian music and culture by manufacturing caste divisions or tarnish the memories of great artists and composers.
Though most of my colleagues commended me for doing this, they chose to not speak out in public at that time, which was a systemic failure of the entire field, leading to wrong narratives taking roots in the general public consciousness.
Ironically, the very institution - Music Academy Madras - that was radically opposed to such dastardly attempts made a 180 degree turn around Nov 2018 but came out the closet in 2024 by announcing its highest award to the prime mover of the same.
I stood by my principles and returned the same Sangita Kalanidhi Award which I had received in 2017.
Selective Moral Discomforts and Outrages of Convenience against Tyagaraja
As someone who has been passionate from early teens about making Carnatic Music socially broad based and initiated pioneering steps for the ...
Background: A few years ago, attempts were made in some quarters to sully the reputation of the legendary singer and philanthropist Dr M...
Today (Nov 5) happens to be the legendary Smt T Brinda's 96th birthday. As someone who was fortunate to learn from her for nearly a dec...
Adherence to shruti is the greatest truth in music. Every prominent system in the world places extreme importance in tuneful renditions of ...